Alabama Surrenders

Alabama Surrenders
By THE EDITORIAL BOARD   October 30, 2013

State officials in Alabama have agreed to throw out major provisions of that state’s unjust immigration law. The agreement, which was announced Tuesday and awaits a federal judge’s approval, resolves lawsuits brought by civil-rights groups, churches and the Justice Department against the statute, H.B. 56, the most extreme attempt by any state to harass and expel immigrants.

Under the proposed settlement, the state acknowledges, among other things, that requiring public schools to determine students’ immigration status violates equal protection and that criminalizing efforts by day laborers to look for work violates the First Amendment. It further states that making it a crime for immigrants to fail to carry their papers, making it illegal for anyone to “conceal, harbor or shield” unauthorized immigrants, and invalidating any contracts that these immigrants sign are all unlawful intrusions into federal authority over immigration.

The settlement also includes an important check on racial profiling: an acknowledgment that state and local police cannot detain anyone merely on suspicion of being in the country illegally.

The agreement is a huge setback for the hard-line strategy that emerged most notoriously in Arizona and took root in Alabama and elsewhere — the idea that states and communities can force immigrants to “self-deport” by making their lives unbearable.

Alabama’s Legislature and governor were warned, vehemently and repeatedly, that H.B. 56 was a lunatic law that would impose unfair burdens on citizens, stifle the economy and harm public safety by enlisting local police in a pointless hunt for day laborers. Farmers, clergy members and business groups raised an alarm, which the Republicans who control the state government ignored.

Whether those behind H.B. 56 will openly acknowledge the failure of their strategy is uncertain. But regret is setting in elsewhere. Stephen Sandstrom, a former legislator in Utah who sponsored that state’s hard-core immigration law, now disowns it. And other states, recognizing the benefits of immigrant inclusion and assimilation, are moving in the opposite direction. California recently enacted laws granting in-state tuition and driver’s licenses to unauthorized immigrants, and limiting its participation in federal deportation efforts.

If only Congress would see the light. House Republicans are still barreling down a dead-end road, with bills like the SAFE Act, which empowers state and local police to enforce immigration laws. It’s the same self-destructive strategy that Alabama, of all places, is abandoning.