Cyberspace, and International Law

China, Russia and Other Countries Submit the Document of International Code of Conduct for Information Security to the United Nations

The White House
Office of the Vice President, November 01, 2011
VP's Remarks to London Cyberspace Conference

how to achieve both security and openness in cyberspace

Joe Biden, Cyberspace, and International Law
by Duncan Hollis , November 1st, 2011

The Russian/Chinese proposal (co-authored with Uzbekistan and Tajikistan) is widely undestood as part of an effort to (1) move Internet governance away from the existing US-dominated public-private partnership to the ITU and (2) develop a global treaty on cybersecurity that will reinforce national sovereignty over all behavior in cyberspace (including speech and communication deemed de-stabilizing as much if not more than the cyberattacks or cyberespionage).