America the exception: 7 other treaties the U.S. hasn't ratified

America the exception: 7 other treaties the U.S. hasn't ratified
Posted By Joshua Keating   Thursday, May 17, 2012

(DO- Korea is partly responsible for the “absence.” The U.S. is not in a good position to ratify Mine Ban Treaty, because of DMZ b/w two Koreas.
To me, the reason of the absence in the CRC is, rather than sovereignty concern, the increasing dominance of conservative values among American politicians. I doubt that CRC is so intrusive that RUD can’t protect the sovereignty of the US from the treaty regime. Take a look at the RUDs submitted by the US to ICCPR. They basically say “The U.S. will comply with ICCPR to the extent that the U.S. Constitution allows.”
When Hillary Clinton expressed her support for CRC, commentators from the conservative said, “She let kids sue their children.” Any qualitative difference from Limbaugh calling slut to Ms. Fluke arguing that birth control should be covered by health insurance? )     

The Obama administration, this month, decided to take up the fairly unrewarding task of pushing for the ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea. In a piece for FP today, James Kraska explains why ratification is long overdue. The treaty, which lays out rules for both military use of the seas and extraction of resources, went into effect in 1994, has been accepted by 161 nations, and was supported by both the Clinton and Bush administrations as well as U.S. Naval commanders. However it will still face a tough fight in Congress where many lawmakers feel it would constitute an unwarranted intrusion on U.S. sovereignty. 
But the Law of the Sea is hardly the only major international agreement waiting for either a U.S. signature, or for Congress to approve ratification. Here's a quick look at a few of the other international treaties and conventions where the United Statates is conspicuous by its absence:

Entered into force in 1990, signed by U.S. in 1995
Number of states parties: 193 (Fellow non-ratifiers: Somalia, South Sudan*)

Signed by U.S. in 1980, entered into force in 1981
Number of states parties: 187 (Fellow non-ratifiers: Palau, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Tonga) 

Entered into force in 1999, never signed by U.S.
Number of states parties:159

Entered into force in 2008, signed by U.S. in 2009.
Number of states parties: 112

Entered into force in 2010, never signed by U.S.
States parties: 71

Entered into force in 2006, never signed by U.S.
Number of states parties: 63

Entered into force in 2010, never signed by U.S.
Number of states parties: 32 (91 have signed)

One could, of course, make the case that the fact that countries like Iran, North Korea, and Belarus have ratified many of these treaties suggests they don't actually accomplish very much. On the other hand, it doesn't look very good that the United States is considered a likely no vote when it comes to new human rights treaties, and at this point there's enough evidence from other states parties to suggest that ratifying an agreement on say, the rights of children, won't lead to U.N. bureaucrats telling parents how to raise their kids. 

*In fairness to South Sudan, it has only been a country for about 10 months.